Located at Hotel Bracciotti


Restaurant located at Hotel Bracciotti far 50 mt.

Half board & Full board

For Hotel Medusa customers who choose to book the Half Board or Full Board service it will be possible to use the restaurant room located at our Hotel Bracciotti located about 50 meters away and easily reachable on foot.

The cuisine of the Hotel Bracciotti restaurant, highly appreciated in the area, is based on the quality of the raw materials, with genuine, local and carefully selected ingredients and is inspired by the Tuscan and Mediterranean tradition. Light menus, respecting the territory and ancient Versilia recipes.

The restaurant menu is based on fresh pasta, pizza and focaccia with sourdough dough, fish, meat, fresh seasonal vegetables, organic artisanal ice cream, artisanal pastries with fresh ingredients, all homemade.

Boutique Hotel Medusa